Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ICD Christmas Party & Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year Readers. I promise to commit more time to the blog this year. Anyway, ICD had it's annual Christmas party/lunch at The Water Buffalo in Milwaukee. The restaurant was awesome and it was fun to relax and talk with everyone. We had a wacky waiter and Madeline got everyone to try a bottle of Pierre Jacques beer, from Goose Island Brewery. Apparently it had 10% alcohol content, and it was kinda sweet tasting. Besides that I would highly recommend trying The Water Buffalo, the prices are reasonable and the food is excellent.

2008 was a good year for ICD, we grew a little with the addition of Cheryl and Madeline. I got to know Catherine and Dany better and understand the business a little better too. Translation and localization just keeps growing, and the development of new industries and technologies will continue to impact the translation world. Here's to another great year. Welcome 2009.

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