Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Google and Iphone: Proofing and Editing on the GO!

Recently, I discovered Google Docs. Yes, Google has created a web based document creation tool. Essentially, you can create text documents (ie MS Word Style), Spreadsheets with formulas and charts, and presentations (ie Power Point). Google has created a web based version of Microsoft Office Home Basic. You also have the ability to open up PDFs in Gmail without having a Reader. These features may not make a whole of difference to people with desktops or laptops, but with an Iphone, it changes the whole ball game. Now you can open up a PDF, (copy and paste text, if you have the new 3GS), and edit the text in Google Docs. You can view/proof PDFs, make comments in the text editor, create a spread sheet of terms and send it to your Desktop Publisher for corrections. If you need to create a presentation or add a new slide, simple create one.

Oh, and with the wireless printer app, you can print the PDF. You can upload a word, ppt, excel file from your computer, save it on your google account, edit it on your Iphone, and make the world go round. You can save the files as .doc, .xls, .ppt, or aPDF and open them up on computer later on, or send it to someone with a computer and they can open it up as well. Here's a video about Google Docs:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Corporate Wisconsin Article

The blog is not dead. I've just been busy. I apologize for the lack of posts last month. To kick things off, Catherine wrote an article for Corporate Wisconsin. You can read it here. It's actually on the main page of their website under the "My View" column. It's an interesting article that provides some ideas on the current export climate for businesses.