Thursday, October 23, 2008

Free Translations, Are you Really Saving Money? Jeff tells it like it is

Hi Readers, I am back after a two week vacation. Jeffrey Jorgensen, International Accounts Manager at ICD has written an article in World Trade Magazine about the hidden costs of having product materials translated by foreign distributors at minimal cost or free of charge.

Here is an excerpt:

As you decide whether or not to use distributors to translate your content, remember they often do not have the expertise and credentials to conduct professional translations. Even if the “translator” is a native speaker of the target language, that person may not be fully versed in such things as the correct grammar of the target language or idiomatic expressions.

The alternative is to use a professional language service provider (LSP) to translate content. With an LSP, you should expect the translator to have experience in the discipline of translation, be highly knowledgeable in the grammar of the target language, and be accredited by the American Translator’s Association (ATA).

You can read the full article if you are interested.